Saturday 1 May 2010


The above scan is from the color central pages of no. 525 (dated June 3rd, 1950) of Britain's Mickey Mouse Weekly and features a reformatted edition of a Big Bad Wolf gag from the back cover of a one-shot 3 Little Pigs comics magazine (dated March 1949) from the US (below scan). Note that during the course of re-formatting of the British edition, speech balloons have been re-lettered with altered wordings of dialogue. The new lettering appears to be the work of British artist Basil Reynolds.


John said...

Hi Kaya,

No doubt whatsoever; the lettering is by the one and only Basil Reynolds. Once you know what to look for, it is easy to spot his handiwork.
Please keep these little gems coming.

Best wishes,


Kaya Özkaracalar said...

You might like to know that I've uploaded scans of Reynolds' Big Top strips to the indexes of MMW 512, 517 and 520 at

Kaya Özkaracalar said...

.. and at my (non-Disneyic) pre-war comics blog, I posted scans of Reynolds' Skit & Skat

ired4400 said...

wow, amazing photos, scans , you have a wonderful collection

Kaya Özkaracalar said...

Thank you ired4400 for your kind remark..